Day 3

Sarah C


September 25 2018


We woke up early and started our day off with packing our bags . We got ready for the day and headed down stairs for breakfast. We went back up stairs to get our bags and carry them to the trailer attached to Mr. Woolner's car. I went back inside tied my shoes on and grabbed my hiking bag. I went back outside and found my group leaders and they handed me my lunch for the day. Before leaving we did one activity about finding a patterns for the jump rope. We began our hike to the waterfall. We headed of leaving the Cardigan Moutian Reservation and entered the Welton Falls State Forest.It was pouring but we still made it to the big waterfall fast. We ate our lunch at the waterfall. We explored the waterfall and then started our way back to the AMC hut. We made it back right as the bus arrived and jumped on the bus leaving the appalachian mountain range were we had been staying for the last couple days and returning back to Hopkinton Middle/High School. We got back and my mom was waiting right outside in the pouring rain. I got in her car and headed home. That was the end to my cardigan trip, I had so much fun and won't forget any of it!

Day 1 and Day 2. and Cardigan